Meet the Team: Justin Choi, Scheduling Manager
Justin joined the debate team in his junior year of high school. After winning many awards and finding success in debate, Justin wanted to pursue a career in law. In 2005, Justin started his undergraduate program at the University of Washington, double majoring in Law Societies & Justice and History. After his first year, he had a change in heart towards his law degree and decided to pivot towards a Paralegal degree. After a year at Highline Community College, he decided to take a pause from school and begin working. After several years of miscellaneous jobs, Justin discovered Court Reporting. In his second year at Court Reporting school, his class took a field trip to B&A Litigation Services where he met our Vice President, Sarah Fitzgibbon. In 2020, a position for a Scheduling Assistant at B&A became available and Justin jumped at the opportunity.
In December of 2020, Justin started part-time with us as a Scheduling Assistant. During this time, Justin primarily assisted our Scheduling Coordinator. In January of 2022, Justin was promoted to full-time as the Client Services Coordinator. Justin took on more responsibility working with our clients and went above and beyond to make sure our clients were taken care of. Last month, Justin was promoted to Scheduling Manager.
Today, Justin has the pleasure of communicating with clients to meet their litigation needs by staffing their requests. Justin works closely with our internal staff, videographers, and court reporters. Justin has worked very hard the last few years, and his success is reflected in his relationships with our clients and staff. Justin says that working with our court reporters has been valuable insight for when he eventually becomes a court reporter.
In his free time, Justin absolutely loves spending time with his friends and meeting new people. He loves the outdoors, traveling, and exploring Washington’s fine dining, theatre, and concert venues.
Justin aims to make each and every day fulfilling and making each year the best year of his life.